sin to know for whom the bell tolls

Sunday, July 27, 2008

East Bay Field Office OPEN!!

This Saturday--100 days before the Presidential Election--the East Bay Obama Field office officially opened! More than 350 people attended the opening!!

We had an incredible volunteer meeting this week with 125 people wanting to volunteer for the campaign!! People brought all kinds of amazing food to share, and signed up for different volunteer opportunities with the East Bay team. Random folks wandered in off the street and stayed for the meeting. Some people even asked to register to vote, since they were walking by and saw the door was open... It was amazing, and the office is now up and running!!

The Office is open 9-5 weekdays

3225 Adeline in Oakland
(2 blocks from Ashby BART)
click here for more info

ON SUNDAY from 2-8pm, the office will be open for phone-banking.

New Mexico is TOTALLY in play (even Karl Rove is predicting an Obama win in New Mexico by 6%), and the local organizers there need OUR help to identify the most important voters for them to court. We'll call New Mexico undecided voters (to get a sense of who is really on the fence and might be swayed, and who is already on board with Obama and who isn't worth calling again). Folks are invited to drop by and make some calls with us.

(we don't have phones yet so bring your cell phone).

Last Sunday, we made 1000 calls to New Mexico and it was really fun. We have a bell to ring when you reach an Obama supporter--and there are a lot more of them out there than you might expect! Come find out for yourself!!!!


Anonymous said...

OK, East Bay.... which bay? Which city? Do you have an address?

Also, do you know if there will be phones there? I read about a San Francisco event, and they want us to bring our cell phones. I don't have an unlimited calling plan, so that's not realistic for me.

Thank you.

Ruby Reid, MSW said...

oakland. 3225 adeline--impossible to miss!

we don't have phone lines yet (will soon for folks who don't have unlimited weekend minutes), so people are bringing their own.

Barack Obama Logo

Ruby's Been to the Mile-High Mountaintop

We WILL Get there Together!

People All Over the Country Support Obama


Ruby's Taking it to the Swing States!

Obama's Blueprint for Change

To print or email Obama's Blueprint for Change, use the "iPaper" button below. To read it online, "maximize" the size using the farthest right button, which looks like a small rectangle inside a larger one.
Read this document on Scribd: Obama's Blueprint For Change
To download, click "Obama's Blueprint for Change" above.

I Got A Crush on Obama!

Countdown Until Bush is Out of Office

Super Obama Girl

Obama is Winning according to Karl Rove

Obama is Winning according to Karl Rove
Obama=272 * McCain=183 * Toss-up=83