sin to know for whom the bell tolls

Monday, June 30, 2008

Land of Lincoln

Barack Obama has been compared to Abraham Lincoln by many historians, pundits, personalities, and ordinary citizens. One website encourages the reader who compares Barack Obama to Abraham Lincoln to "tread lightly... but tread" nonetheless. I invite you to tread with me upon these fertile grounds (especially since every Republican baselessly compares himself to Reagan and every Democrat--plus Dan Quayle (haha)--wants to be the next JFK). In most cases, the appropriate response to these silly comparisons of mediocre politicians to great historical figures is some variation of: "Senator, you are no Jack Kennedy."

But this comparison of Barack Obama and Abraham Lincoln is different than these baseless ones, and here's why:

Lincoln and Obama herald from the great state of Illinois; both were lawyers, criticized for their lack of "experience" to be President (Abe: 8 yrs in IL House of Reps + 2yrs in US House of Reps; Barack: 8 yrs in IL Senate + 2 yrs in US Senate). Each was seeking his party's nomination, running against a Senator from New York (Obama vs. Clinton; Lincoln vs. Seward). Neither had a strong early relationship with his father, and both were self-made men, viewed with skepticism by the Washington elite. According to historian, critic, and columnist Gary Wills (read the full article):

Neither man fit the conventions of a statesman in his era. Lincoln, thin, gangling, and unkempt, was considered a backwoods rube, born in the frontier conditions of Kentucky, estranged from his father, limited to a catch-as-catch-can education. He was better known as a prairie raconteur than as a legal theorist or prose stylist. Obama, of mixed race and foreign upbringing, had barely known his father, and looked suspiciously "different."
Both Barack Obama and Abraham Lincoln each gave important speeches that focused on the similarities of the American people, which vastly outweigh any differences that might on the surface appear to be deeply divisive. "We are not as divided as our politics suggest" says Barack in reference to "red" and "blue" states: "There are no red states and blue states; There is the UNITED States!" (Obama: Democratic Convention 2004; Natl Constitution Center 2008). During Lincoln's time, the divisions were not red and blue, but north and south. In his speeches, Lincoln focused on people's common interests and ideals , rather than their differences (Cooper Union 1860).

Barack Obama's gave a speech titled, "A More Perfect Union" at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia in March of 2008.

We cannot solve the challenges of our time unless we solve them together, unless we perfect our union.

We may have different stories,
but we have common hopes.

Gary Wills concluded:
But what is of lasting interest is their similar strategy for meeting the charge of extremism. Both argued against the politics of fear. Neither denied the darker aspects of our history, yet they held out hope for what Lincoln called here the better "lights of current experience"—what he would later call the "better angels of our nature." Each looked for larger patterns under the surface bitternesses of their day. Each forged a moral position that rose above the occasions for their speaking.
In Lincoln's most famous speech, he invoked a biblical passage:
"A house divided against itself cannot stand." I believe this government cannot endure permanently half slave and half free. I do not expect the Union to be dissolved; I do not expect the house to fall; but I do expect it will cease to be divided.
Barack Obama announced his candidacy for President at the Old State Capitol building where Abraham Lincoln delivered his famous "House Divided" speech in 1858

It was here, in Springfield, where North, South, East and West come together that I was reminded of the essential decency of the American people -- where I came to believe that through this decency, we can build a more hopeful America.

And that is why, in the shadow of the Old State Capitol, where Lincoln once called on a divided house to stand together, where common hopes and common dreams still, I stand before you today to announce my candidacy for President of the United States....

Each and every time, a new generation has risen up and done what's needed to be done. Today we are called once more -- and it is time for our generation to answer that call.

For that is our unyielding faith -- that in the face of impossible odds, people who love their country can change it.

That's what Abraham Lincoln understood. He had his doubts. He had his defeats. He had his setbacks. But through his will and his words, he moved a nation and helped free a people. It is because of the millions who rallied to his cause that we are no longer divided, North and South, slave and free. It is because men and women of every race, from every walk of life, continued to march for freedom long after Lincoln was laid to rest, that today we have the chance to face the challenges of this millennium together, as one people -- as Americans.
Obama concluded his speech:
By ourselves, this change will not happen. Divided, we are bound to fail.

But the life of a tall, gangly, self-made Springfield lawyer tells us that a different future is possible.

He tells us that there is power in words.

He tells us that there is power in conviction.

That beneath all the differences of race and region, faith and station, we are one people.

He tells us that there is power in hope.

As Lincoln organized the forces arrayed against slavery, he was heard to say: "Of strange, discordant, and even hostile elements, we gathered from the four winds, and formed and fought to battle through."
The most important character element and ideology that Obama and Lincoln share is an understanding that we are one nation, one people, and that what seperates us is not nearly as profound as our common hopes, dreams, and values. Lincoln and Obama display the committment to bringing their "enemies" to the table. Lincoln famously filled his cabinet with his most vocal critics, and obviously he took an unpopular stand against the secession of the South.

Barack Obama actively seeks the opinions, council, and collaboration of those whom at first glance would appear to be "enemies" or "critics." He has demonstrated time and time again how important it is to create bipartisan coalitions, and he has effectively created opportunities for collaboration among disperate elements by highlighting the benefits for each participating member to help everyone "buy in" to the process.

Obviously, America was more explicitly divided during Lincoln's times (states are not threatening to secede in 2008). However, these modern times bring new kinds of divisions that are more nuanced and less clear. The intricacies of the global economy, the unspoken but powerful class system in America, the pervasive and underlying nature of racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia and classism, and the problems with the economy and social services compound one another and create a hornet's nest of issues that CANNOT be solved by one man or one party alone.

Barack Obama knows, just like Lincoln did: the problems of this complex world require the collaboration of many diverse minds, hearts, and hands.

No Use Crying Over Spilled Milk

I am reminded of a story from my childhood when I see some Hillary Clinton supporters throwing a temper tantrum and threatening to vote for John McCain't.

When I was a little kid, I got mad at my parents one time about something (I don't remember now what it was). I was drinking a glass of milk, and I began fuming. I wanted to throw my milk on them, but I knew I would get in big trouble if I did that, so I loudly threatened that if they did not give in to my demands, I would dump the milk... on my own head.

My parents did not react to my threats (my hunch looking back is that they were too busy stifling their laughter), and before you could say "bad idea," I had emptied the entire glass of milk over my head. Embarrassed and soaked with milk, I continued to threaten my parents, who had become unable to contain their laughter. I announced that I was never going to take a bath again, and they would have to live with a rotten-milk-smelling child. I can still see the laugh-induced tears rolling down my mother's face as she clutched her sides and mentioned that I might not be so popular in school if I enacted my plan.

In hindsight (and very quickly after the fact), I realized that my parents didn't suffer because I poured milk on myself: I suffered. I meant to teach them a lesson, but I learned one instead.

Hillary supporters have every right to be angry, to feel upset, disappointed, and even hurt. But don't pour rotten milk over your heads by voting for John McCain't or by tearing down Barack Obama. Apparently, some Hillary supporters (under the coalition "Just Say No Deal") have become determined to sabotage Barack Obama's campaign for presidency, but I don't understand what they get out of that besides a certain petty revenge-based momentary pleasure at their own expense. This reminds me of a prayer I've seen on bumper stickers: "Lord, please protect me from your followers!"

Hillary Clinton is campaigning with and for Barack: she isn't crying over spilled milk. There is no way for us to build a strong America, to fortify women's rights, and to ensure a peaceful and productive society with all this anger, hate, and frustration determining our behavior towards one another. Let's not shoot ourselves in the foot, thinking we are making a statement.

To these misguided people, I suggest: Listen to your leader! Hillary Clinton wants you to vote for Barack Obama:
"To anyone who voted for me and is now considering not voting or voting for Sen. (John) McCain, I strongly urge you to reconsider," said Clinton, beseeching her supporters to join with Obama's "to create an unstoppable force for change we can all believe in..."

"Unity is not only a beautiful place as we can see, it's a wonderful feeling isn't it? And I know when we start here in this field in Unity, we'll end on the steps of the Capitol when Barack Obama takes the oath of office as our next president!"
Hillary Clinton spoke yesterday in Unity, New Hampshire at a rally for Obama, in which she urged her supporters to vote for him. She also expunged all negative Obama content from her campaign's website.

Barack Obama: Unite for Change (June 27, 2008: Unity, NH)

To read more about this "eponymous" event sponsored by the Democratic in Unity, New Hampshire, click here.

Here's just a little funny video: Pictures of Obama and Clinton "Together Forever"
what about that "Dream Ticket" anyway?

Bill Clinton Needs Help Developing His Crush

According to a report in The (London) Telegraph, Bill Clinton told close friends Obama can “kiss my ass” to get his support:
“He’s saying he’s not going to reach out, that Obama has to come to him. One person told me that Bill said Obama would have to quote, ‘kiss my ass,’ close quote, if he wants his support.

“You can’t talk like that about Obama — he’s the nominee of your party, not some house boy you can order around.

“Hillary’s just getting on with it and so should Bill.”
Following Hillary Clinton’s public display of unity with Obama last week (at which Bill Clinton was noticably absent), Bill Clinton and Obama are expected to meet in the coming days. The former president released a statement that he "is obviously committed to doing whatever he can and is asked to do" for Obama.So perhaps Bill Clinton merely was waiting in order to avoid taking the public's focus off the joint appearances by Obama and Hillary.
"Any time that Bill Clinton and Barack Obama speak, it's going to be big news," Terry McAuliffe said. "They wanted this out of the way first. Now that that's over, they will speak. And I'll bet you they speak within the next 24 hours, 48 at the most."
Maybe we can help convince him to show his support more vigorously and with less ambiguity? Click here to send Bill Clinton an email letting him know how important it is that he show his full and unadulterated support for Democratic Presidential Nominee Barack Obama. Make sure to include your mailing address in any emails you send.

If you'd like to write a letter, you can address it to President Bill Clinton at:

The Honorable William J. Clinton
55 W. 125th Street
New York NY 10027

Or you can call or fax him:
TEL: (212) 348-8882
Fax:(212) 348-9245

I called today and spoke with a nice staffer. I told him I had been a supporter of Bill and Hillary Clinton for many years: as a voter, a patriot, and a Clinton supporter, I was disappointed by what I read in the news about the former President saying Obama had to "kiss his ass" to get support. I felt it was important enough to call because Clinton's support is essential for the Democrats to take back the country. We can't afford to have John McCain't to get into the White House. Please tell President Clinton we need to stick together!

We need a REAL endorsement from Bill Clinton, not just this very amusing slip-up from the campaign trail in March, where Clinton encouraged voters to vote for the candidate that wants you to think and hope. Sounds like Bill has a little crush on a certain someone...

Obama Nation: All 50 States

According to Obama Girl, "It's becoming Obama Nation!"

Barack Obama's Campaign is the first in my life to run a campaign in all 50 states. They are not throwing out any votes or ignoring any communities because supposedly they are "on the other side." Barack Obama does not believe in red states and blue states: He believes in America! His staff and volunteers receive training in the three tenets of his philosophy:

* respect * empower * include *

Obama's deputy campaign manager, Steve Hildebrand, announced that:
"unprecedented grassroots energy during the primary means that the list of competitive states will be longer than ever before -- and it will include states like Virginia and Montana that aren't traditionally within reach for a Democratic presidential candidate." He also said that "in every single state, our staff will build volunteer capacity that will provide help where we need it and impact races up and down the ballot this November."
Click here for an interactive map of the United States (from PBS), or this one from The New York Times, with projected results from all of the states. There are more states in play than before, and some of them are: Nevada, Colorado, New Mexico, Iowa, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Michigan, Ohio, and New Hampshire. Republican strongholds such as South & North Carolina, Georgia, and Louisiana are open to change, and through the efforts of local organizers in the South, Barack may take those states as well! 1n 1996, Bill Clinton won Louisiana, Arkansas, Kentucky, Tennessee, Florida, and basically the whole Midwest. Especially with the Clintons campaigning by his side, Barack Obama's message of change and hope will be felt throughout our nation. As MLK put it:

Let freedom ring from the prodigious hilltops of New Hampshire.

Let freedom ring from the mighty mountains of New York.

Let freedom ring from the heightening Alleghenies of Pennsylvania.

Let freedom ring from the snow-capped Rockies of Colorado.

Let freedom ring from the curvaceous slopes of California.

Let freedom ring from Stone Mountain of Georgia.

Let freedom ring from Lookout Mountain of Tennessee.

Let freedom ring from every hill and molehill of Mississippi.

From every mountainside, let freedom ring.

And when this happens, when we allow freedom ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual:

Free at last! Free at last!

Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Unite for Change Event

Yesterday I attended an amazing House Meeting as part of the "Unite for Change" campaign. People hosted house meetings in their homes, in parks, and public spaces, to talk about Obama and organize for the coming weeks and months. Click here to watch a video about the house meetings (there were over 4,000 events-in all 50 states!). Tens of thousands of people participated in this awesome nationwide community event. I am feeling totally encouraged about Obama's presidency and the work that we will do together to get him into the White House on November 4th!

The meeting was held at Jenna and Randy's lovely home on the Berkeley/Oakland border. They were consummate hosts, and there were at least 20 if not 30 people there. We drank wine, ate cheese and bread, connected with one another, and shared our experiences. After some very nice shmoozing time, Jenna called the meeting together and each person had a chance to introduce themselves. Many of them were neighbors, and it was exciting to see the connections being made: not only for Obama, but for the larger human condition. It is sad that in this modern world we don't always get to know our neighbors, and these house meetings offer a fantastic "excuse" to build those important relationships.

As we went around the room, I was struck by two thoughts repeatedly: how many of our stories were similar, and how diverse our experiences were. I lost count of how many people said, "I've never been involved in a campaign before" or "I've never donated to a political candidate before, but I gave some money to Obama!" Then there were those who said, "I worked on JFK campaign [or I was politically active in the 1960s], and I haven't felt this kind of excitement and hope since then."

People talked about feeling terrible about our country for the last 8 years, and about the surge of power and hope that Obama has ignited in their lives. I shared with the group that "The person I vote for never wins!" but for the first time, I think that is going to change (My first presidential vote was in 2000, then 2004--so you can imagine how hopeless I felt about the power of my vote).

Another woman shared that her experience was the opposite of mine: her first presidential election was in 1992, with Clinton winning against a sitting president, and then being reelected in 1996. She voted and thought, "Wow, this really works!" It made me feel better to hear the stories of people who have lived through the pendulum swinging the other way. History fuels hope.

There was an official person from the local chapter of the Obama Campaign present at the event (the campaign arranged for one official person to attend each event, to help people get involved). I joined my local "Obama Group" (Temescal/Rockridge Neighborhood). I encourage you to go to and sign up for your local neighborhood group. Based on Barack's history as a community organizer, his campaign is based on local action and local groups: communities getting together and organizing for change.

There were funny moments, and beautiful moments. I felt my eyes well up with tears at several points in the process. As they say, I laughed, I cried, i just hoped my mascara held out!

One grandmother brought her six-year old granddaughter. She shared with the group about her experiences organizing and working on campaigns throughout her life. She said that although she had worked on a lot of different political actions and had been part of lots of campaigns, she feels a swell of energy that hasn't been present in America since the 1960s. It was so exciting to hear her speak, I wanted to jump up and cheer. I had to practice self-control.

She pointed to her granddaughter: "She's a normal six-year old. She likes Dora the Explorer and Disney Channel. I didn't know she knew anything about no Barack Obama. But now she sits with me and watches CNN. AND now this..." She turns to the little girl and says:

"What do you want to be?"

"I want to be president!"


"Because Barack Obama!"

After we all shared what had brought us here, we watched a video that Barack sent. It focused on how the house meetings form a core part of the campaign, and encouraged people like us to host our own house meeting.
You can watch the video if you click here.

Jenna shared with the group how easy it had been (the campaign sent her everything she needed, and all she had to do was make food, which "we love doing anyway"). Several of us expressed an interest in hosting one soon.

I feel so encouraged because this is the way to build a movement that can really address the problems we face by accessing our strengths at the community and neighborhood level.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

UNITE FOR CHANGE (Saturday June 28)

This coming Saturday, there are more than 3,000 events planned in all 50 states: Join us June 28th for a Unite for Change house meeting. CLICK HERE to find a Unite for Change meeting near you!
Obama supporters will be opening their homes and reaching out to Democrats who supported other candidates in the primary, as well as Independents and even Republicans who are hungry for change.

House meetings are a great way to get to know your fellow supporters and help build a united volunteer organization in neighborhoods all across the country. It doesn't matter if you've been with us since the beginning or if you're just tuning into the process now -- our goal is to reach out to anyone who is tired of the politics of the past and looking for new solutions to the challenges we're facing.
If you're not sure about Barack Obama, this is a great chance to learn more about what he stands for. If you are already a supporter, it is a nice opportunity to hobnob with others and meet new friends. Plus there is always the opportunity to learn something new.

Especially if you don't like Obama, or you feel sad about Hillary losing the nomination (I do too), or you're just not so sure about all this "Change" stuff... show up on Saturday and express your thoughts. There is a place for you in this movement.

If you are even thinking about voting for John McCain't, please attend an event this Saturday and bring your open mind...

Find an event:

Veterans for Obama; Obama for Veterans

Barack Obama's spoke to veterans in Las Cruces, New Mexico on Memorial Day (May 26, 2008).

I speak to you today with deep humility. My grandfather marched in Patton's Army, but I cannot know what it is to walk into battle like so many of you. My grandmother worked on a bomber assembly line, but I cannot know what it is for a family to sacrifice like so many of yours have.

I am the father of two young girls, and I cannot imagine what it is to lose a child. My heart breaks for the families who've lost a loved one.

These are things I cannot know. But there are also some things I do know.

I know that our sadness today is mixed with pride; that those we've lost will be remembered by a grateful nation; and that our presence here today is only possible because your loved ones, America's patriots, were willing to give their lives to defend our nation.

I know that while we may come from different places, cherish different traditions, and have different political beliefs, we all – every one of us – hold in reverence those who've given this country the full measure of their devotion.

And I know that children in New Mexico and across this country look to your children, to your brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers, and friends – to those we honor today – as a shining example of what's best about America.

Their lives are a model for us all.
Barack Obama values the men and women of our nation's armed forces, and wants to truly support them as they put themselves in harm's way to protect the nation and fight against tyranny, fascism, and injustice. He wants to provide veterans who are injured or traumatized with the full extent of the care they need. Please click here to read Barack Obama's policy statements on Veterans Affairs and the treatment that veterans should receive.

The current administration rushed into wars without considering the true threat to America and the world's stability. There have been heavy casualties in Iraq and Afghanistan, and these wars have destabilized the region (turning up the heat on existing conflicts such as the Kurdistan/Turkey border problems).

Barack Obama will not send the young people of America overseas to sacrifice their lives without carefully considering the true nature of the threat. Please click here to read some of Obama's statements on foreign policy and deployment of the US armed forces. Links to Policies on Specific Areas: Iraq, Iran, Africa, Israel , South America
When I am this party's nominee, my opponent will not be able to say that I voted for the war in Iraq; or that I gave George Bush the benefit of the doubt on Iran; or that I supported Bush-Cheney policies of not talking to leaders that we don't like. And he will not be able to say that I wavered on something as fundamental as whether or not it is ok for America to torture — because it is never ok… I will end the war in Iraq… I will close Guantanamo. I will restore habeas corpus. I will finish the fight against Al Qaeda. And I will lead the world to combat the common threats of the 21st century: nuclear weapons and terrorism; climate change and poverty; genocide and disease. And I will send once more a message to those yearning faces beyond our shores that says, "You matter to us. Your future is our future. And our moment is now. (Barack Obama, Des Moines, Iowa, Veteran's Day, November 10, 2007).
Here are some of Barack Obama's thoughts on Building a 21st Century Militia:
The Problem: The excellence of our military is unmatched. But as a result of a misguided war in Iraq, our forces are under pressure as never before. Obama will make the investments we need so that the finest military in the world is best-prepared to meet 21st-century threats.

Rebuild Trust: Obama will rebuild trust with those who serve by ensuring that soldiers and Marines have sufficient training time before they are sent into battle.

Expand the Military: We have learned from Iraq that our military needs more men and women in uniform to reduce the strain on our active force. Obama will increase the size of ground forces, adding 65,000 soldiers to the Army and 27,000 Marines.

New Capabilities: Obama will give our troops new equipment, armor, training, and skills like language training. He will also strengthen our civilian capacity, so that our civilian agencies have the critical skills and equipment they need to integrate their efforts with our military.

Strengthen Guard and Reserve: Obama will restore the readiness of the National Guard and Reserves. He will permit them adequate time to train and rest between deployments, and provide the National Guard with the equipment they need for foreign and domestic emergencies. He will also give the Guard a seat at the table by making the Chief of the National Guard a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Here is what Veterans have to say about Obama

Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans for Obama:

New Hampshire Veterans for Obama:

Pennsylvania Veterans for Obama:

Virginia Veterans for Obama:

Obama's Answering Machine

Top 10 Messages on Barack Obama's Answering Machine
Care of David Letterman

10. Hi it's Eliot Spitzer. Lets get some girls and celebrate!

9. John MccCain here. I... oh crap I forgot why I called...

8. Hi this is Al Gore. Don't make the same mistake I did and win the popular vote.

7. It's John McCain again... what is this, some kind of machine that answers the phone??

6. This is John Kerry: are you interested in a subscription to Sports Illustrated?

5. You've just made a powerful enemy of the panstsuit manufacturers of America!

4. Hi it's Randy Jackson, your last speech? A little pitchy, dawg.

3. No number three--writer stuck on plane with Scott McClellen.

2. This is Hillary calling; I'm still prepared to offer you the vice-president position.

1. Oprah here. I helped you get the nomination. Now will you help me get rid of Dr Phil?

Top 10 Questions for Barack Obama's Running Mate

Friday, June 27, 2008

Hillary's Got a Crush on Obama too!

"Stop the Attacks" from Obama Girl to Hillary Clinton:

"Won't you step back? Stop the attacks!
It's the right thing to do... this country needs change...
would you let it be?... maybe you'd be our VP..."

"He's got the delegates locked down: Let him Barack this!
'Cause he ain't just another Mondale, John Kerry or Dukakis
Hillary, he's got the super-powers to change the world...."

"I know deep down, you're an Obama girl....
we all have a crush... we all want change...
we all have a crush on Obama!"

Here's another great video; Hillary on Obama: "You're Simply the Best!"

Barack ROCKS!

Musicians have expressed profound support for Obama, and he was recently interviewed for a cover feature in Rolling Stone (click for audio or transcript of the interview). The magazine endorsed him back in March (read the eloquent endorsement).

The article notes that the Grateful Dead were playing when Obama walked in for the photoshoot for the cover. He recognized the music immediately, saying "those guys did a concert for me during the primary-they got back together again. And not only do I enjoy the music, but I just like them as people."

Are we going to have a Deadhead in the White House?

"I'm not sure I fully qualify as a Deadhead--I don't wear tie-dye and I've never followed them around anywhere. But I enjoy the songs."

“I have pretty eclectic tastes,” the Democratic presidential contender said. Growing up in the ‘70s, Obama said, he listened to the Rolling Stones, Elton John and Earth, Wind & Fire. Stevie Wonder is his musical hero from the era. The Stones’ “Gimme Shelter” tops his favorites from the band.

The Illinois senator’s iPod playlist contains these musicians, along with about 30 songs from Dylan and the singer’s “Blood on the Tracks” album. Jazz legends Miles Davis, John Coltrane and Charlie Parker are also in the mix.
“Actually, one of my favorites during the political season is ‘Maggie’s Farm,”’ Obama said of one of Dylan’s tracks. “It speaks to me as I listen to some of the political rhetoric.”In the song, Dylan sings about trying be himself, “but everybody wants you to be just like them.”
Other Favorites:
Aretha Franklin
Stevie Wonder:
Earth, Wind & Fire
The Rolling Stones
Elton John
John Coltrane
Miles Davis
Charlie Parker
Sheryl Crow
Yo-Yo Ma
Howlin' Wolf

Bob Dylan and others have recently declared their support for Obama's presidency. In fact, several musicians on Obama’s iPod support his bid for the White House, including Bruce Springsteen. Earlier this month, Dylan told a British newspaper that he believes Obama is redefining politics in the United States and could deliver change to a nation in upheaval.

“I’ve got to say, having both Dylan and Bruce Springsteen say kind words about you is pretty remarkable,” Obama said. “Those guys are icons.”

Obama talked to Bruce Springsteen on the phone and The Boss expressed his support for the presidential hopeful. The interviewer asked Obama if he called Springsteen "The Boss." Obama replied, "you've got to." He continued, "Not only do I love Bruce’s music, but I just love him as a person. He is a guy who has never lost track of his roots, who knows who he is, who has never put on a front.”

Barack also met with Bono in January of 2007 to discuss foreign assistance and poverty alleviation programs (more info click here).

Asked what he thought of rap, Obama said the genre has broken down barriers within the music world, though he’s concerned about his daughters — Malia, 9, and Sasha, 7 — listening to it.
“I am troubled sometimes by the misogyny and materialism of a lot of rap lyrics,” he said, “but I think the genius of the art form has shifted the culture and helped to desegregate music.”

"Music was very segregated back in the Seventies and Eighties--you'll remember that when MTV first came on, it wasn't until Thriller that they played Michael."

"I know Jay-Z. I know Ludacris. I know Russell Simmons. They are great talents and great businessmen... It would be nice if I could have my daughters listen to their music without me worrying that they are getting bad images of themselves"

With the support of artists and musicians, Barack Obama's campaign is gaining strength, enthusiasm, and power. I can't wait for the concerts that will undoubtedly be part of the fundraising and voter registration process in the upcoming weeks and months!

ROCK THE VOTE! was founded nearly twenty years ago in response to a wave of attacks on freedom of speech and artistic expression, and it quickly established itself as the premier organization representing the intersection of young people, politics, and popular culture. Rock the Vote uses connections with artists to grab the attention of young people, and engage them in building a political movement to fight for young people and the issues that affect their lives. Check it out!

Let's Not Be Hateful Like Ann Coulter

Perfected: The Ann Coulter Song: Sometimes people say things that are so awful you have to laugh. Enjoy this video for a little "comic relief!"

Grassroots Strategy

Please watch this video of David Plouffe (Obama's Campaign Manager) outlining the strategy that Barack Obama's campaign will be taking in the next few weeks and months. He outlines the grassroots strategy that the campaign is implementing and invites all Americans to take part in it. The video contains powerpoint slides outlining the *new* map with fewer red and blue states, and many formerly "colored" states now in play. It also contains slides demonstrating the financial situation for the Obama and McCain't campaigns.

Click this link to view the video and make a small (or large) donation.

Top 10 Reasons to Vote for Obama!

10. He is definately the nicest looking Presidential candidate we've ever had: what a hottie!

9. He respects his wife, his daughters, and all women.

8. He is not afraid to speak truth to power.

7. He is beholden to the American people, whose contributions will get him into the White House (compared with other candidates who are beholden to corporate donors).

6. He believes in national health care and has a practical plan to make it happen.

5. He supports our troops in combat and our veterans by advocating for real policy changes that will protect, heal, and honor men and women of the armed forces.

4. He is a normal person, like you and me, who has struggled to get to where he is in life.

3. America needs a father figure, and Barack takes fatherhood seriously, knowing how the lack of a fatherly presence can impact human beings.

2. Because he can win this, and when he does, we all win.

1. It is the right thing to do!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Obama on The Daily Show

On April 28th, Barack Obama appeared on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart before the Pennsylvania Democratic primary election.

Stewart mentioned the fact that Barack has traveled around the country and met a lot of people "throughout the land," and asked the Senator: "Are we nice?"

Obama replied, "You know, there is a core decency and a generosity of the American people that actually makes you feel optimistic."

Part 1:

Before cutting to commercial, Stewart coyly asked the candidate:
"I'm gonna cut through the spin for you Sir. This is what I'm here for. There's a lot of insinuation among the pundits etc. about these controversies... the Reverend Wright controversy... the flag pin controversy-- by the way, I am wearing mine. It's just pinned directly to my chest.
[Obama laughs]

Um... I can tell you what the real concern is... and you can answer this question right here, right now... Put it all to bed."
Obama: "Go ahead"
"Sir, we are concerned that ultimately at the end of the day if you are fortunate enough to democratic nomination, fortunate enough to become President of the United States...

"Will you pull a bait and switch, Sir,
and enslave the white race?

Is that your plan?"
Obama: [laughs] "That is not our plan, Jon, but I think your paranoia might make you suitable as a debate moderator."

Part 2:

Stewart posed the question:
You've run on a platform of change. Is it... You know I keep thinking the Democrats are so set up this year to retake the White House. Have they overshot their change agenda? Here we are, you know, if they had just thrown out, let's say another just boring old white guy--just put him out there--but they put yourself and Hillary Clinton: two historic candidates. Too much change? Is this too much change? Is it too much for the American people? Are they going to be thinking "Oh My God, will gravity still going to be here?"?
The short answer is no. This campaign and the democratic primary elections have reinvigorated the American people about engaging in the political process.

At the end of the segment, Stewart acknowledges the inspiring nature of Obama's speaking voice and presentation style, and asks Obama to "hope-up" statements, such as: "I'm calling to ask if you're happy with your cell phone service"
Stewart: "There's something I find when you speak. It is incredibly inspiring. It brings a lot of hope. But I'm just wondering... Those are your words, sir. You bring hope with your words. Can you bring hope to nearly any words?"
And now your moment of Zen:

Obama's Commentary after appearing on the show:

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Setting the Record Straight

Apparantly the GOP machine has already started muck-rucking about Obama, and a number of silly and baseless rumors have been circulating on email and elsewhere. I won't repeat any of the smears, because I don't believe it is useful to do so, but if you have heard something you find bizarre or disturbing about Barack Obama, there is a good chance that you've heard a rumor.

Luckily, here is a page from Barack's website that clarifies these nasty lies and provides information, photos, video, and data to show the truth. Barack Obama is an American citizen, born in Hawaii in 1961. He is a Christian and was sworn into the US Senate using his family Bible. His books and writings are not racist and do not pigeon-hole people into relegated roles based on race or any other physical or socioeconomic attributes: his writing and message transcends this type of petty categorization and power hierarchy.

Obama Speaks to His Staff

Follow the link to watch a short excerpt from the video of Barack Obama addressing his staff after becoming the presumptive Democratic nominee. If you follow this link, it will take you to the video and also gives you an opportunity to make a donation to the campaign that will be matched by another supporter (doubling its impact!). You don't have to donate to watch the video, but it is fun and good for the soul!

Here is the full 13-minute video of Obama's informal speech to staff & volunteers in his Chicago campaign headquarters:

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Hungry For Change!

Sunday, June 22nd, thousands of MoveOn members around the country will organize "Hungry for Change" bake sales to support Barack Obama to win back the White House. They are happening in all 50 states, and you can be part of it: Taste the Change!! (click here for photos of the events)

You can look up bake sales near you: CLICK HERE!

Here are some links to Bake Sales in several areas:
Cambridge, MA (in Harvard Square)
Berkeley, CA
San Francisco, CA
Portland, OR
New York, NY
New Orleans, LA (at Walmart!)
Chicago, IL
Washington, D.C. (at the Nat'l Zoo)

What a great cause!! and it will be yummy!! Change tastes good!!

Change Tastes Good!

Today Toshi and I patronized 4 different MoveOn Bakesales for Obama. It was awesome, and now I think we are going to collapse into a sugar coma... Here are some pictures from the bakesales in Berkeley and Oakland that we visited.

Bakin for 'Bama at San Pablo Ave & Dwight Way in Berkeley, CA. These ladies were just setting up when we arrived. They had yummy wheat/gluten-free brownies ("welcome to a Berkeley bakesale" they said!)...

South Berkeley Hungry for Change! at San Pablo Park. These folks were closing down for the day, and we were the last patrons. So they kept saying how much more food there was earlier, how many people had come, etc. They let us take these pictures, but implored us to envision the smorgasboard of baked goods that we had just missed...

Hungry for Change! at Safeway on College Ave in Oakland. This lady told us there were kids at the bakesale for hours holding up signs. Passing cars honked their horns and cheered. She was about to wrap up shop when we arrived, and she had an awesome shirt celebrating the impending end of the Bush Administration's reign of terror.

Hungry for Change at Rockridge BART Station in Oakland. The advertisement for this bakesale promised "Cookies and Revolution": my favorite!! Who could resist?

I was struck with the diversity among the people who were volunteering at these bakesales: young and older folks, different races and cultures, everyone working together to support a new vision of change for America.

Change Has Never Tasted So Sweet!

Barack Busts a Move

And talks about balancing work and family life:

Voting Republican

OK, but there are some reasons for Republicans to Vote for Obama:

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Meet Michelle Obama

Some people have said that behind every successful man is a hard-working woman, but in Barack Obama's case, the hard-working woman is by his side: his intellectual, ethical, and spiritual equal.

Michelle Obama is clearly an incredible human being, and she will enrich the world as First Lady when her husband is elected in November.

Michelle Obama: "Be Not Afraid"

Meet Michelle Obama:

Michelle Obama on Barack:

Michelle Obama on The View

The Dreaded "Fist Bump"

A 25 minute segment from Michelle Obama's stint this week as guest host on "The View"

Friday, June 20, 2008

Audacity of Hope (Remix)

This is a remix of Obama's speech with music: very powerful:

Part 1 of Barack Obama's Speech at the 2004 Democratic National Convention

Part 2 of the speech

Hail to the New Chief

Barack OBollywood

So bizarre I don't even know what to say!! but you gotta watch this!!

I also got a crush... on HILLARY!

Hillary Clinton made history this campaign season by getting further than any other woman has in the pursuit of equal representation at the highest levels of government. She put 18 million cracks in the highest glass ceiling, and her tough journey makes it easier for every women and young girl in America who dares to believe that she can be and do whatever she dreams.

Barack Obama has a lovely page on his website where he thanks Hillary Clinton for her contributions, and offers the opportunity for supporters to email a message of thanks to Hillary. You can view his message and send Hillary an email here.

Here's a little video commemorating my crush on Hillary:

Barack Spoke at Dr. King's Church


To be fair, here is John McCain's response: No You McCain't!

Barack Steps into a Phone Booth

Monday, June 9, 2008

Hope Changes Everything

Barack Obama has brought a message of Hope and Change to America at a time when many Americans are disenfranchised and skeptical about their government. His campaign has infused the power of hope into the American people and has inspired record numbers of people to register to vote, to donate to political campaigns, and to get involved with the political process.

Barack Obama Logo

Ruby's Been to the Mile-High Mountaintop

We WILL Get there Together!

People All Over the Country Support Obama


Ruby's Taking it to the Swing States!

Obama's Blueprint for Change

To print or email Obama's Blueprint for Change, use the "iPaper" button below. To read it online, "maximize" the size using the farthest right button, which looks like a small rectangle inside a larger one.
Read this document on Scribd: Obama's Blueprint For Change
To download, click "Obama's Blueprint for Change" above.

I Got A Crush on Obama!

Countdown Until Bush is Out of Office

Super Obama Girl

Obama is Winning according to Karl Rove

Obama is Winning according to Karl Rove
Obama=272 * McCain=183 * Toss-up=83