sin to know for whom the bell tolls

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Obama on The Daily Show

On April 28th, Barack Obama appeared on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart before the Pennsylvania Democratic primary election.

Stewart mentioned the fact that Barack has traveled around the country and met a lot of people "throughout the land," and asked the Senator: "Are we nice?"

Obama replied, "You know, there is a core decency and a generosity of the American people that actually makes you feel optimistic."

Part 1:

Before cutting to commercial, Stewart coyly asked the candidate:
"I'm gonna cut through the spin for you Sir. This is what I'm here for. There's a lot of insinuation among the pundits etc. about these controversies... the Reverend Wright controversy... the flag pin controversy-- by the way, I am wearing mine. It's just pinned directly to my chest.
[Obama laughs]

Um... I can tell you what the real concern is... and you can answer this question right here, right now... Put it all to bed."
Obama: "Go ahead"
"Sir, we are concerned that ultimately at the end of the day if you are fortunate enough to democratic nomination, fortunate enough to become President of the United States...

"Will you pull a bait and switch, Sir,
and enslave the white race?

Is that your plan?"
Obama: [laughs] "That is not our plan, Jon, but I think your paranoia might make you suitable as a debate moderator."

Part 2:

Stewart posed the question:
You've run on a platform of change. Is it... You know I keep thinking the Democrats are so set up this year to retake the White House. Have they overshot their change agenda? Here we are, you know, if they had just thrown out, let's say another just boring old white guy--just put him out there--but they put yourself and Hillary Clinton: two historic candidates. Too much change? Is this too much change? Is it too much for the American people? Are they going to be thinking "Oh My God, will gravity still going to be here?"?
The short answer is no. This campaign and the democratic primary elections have reinvigorated the American people about engaging in the political process.

At the end of the segment, Stewart acknowledges the inspiring nature of Obama's speaking voice and presentation style, and asks Obama to "hope-up" statements, such as: "I'm calling to ask if you're happy with your cell phone service"
Stewart: "There's something I find when you speak. It is incredibly inspiring. It brings a lot of hope. But I'm just wondering... Those are your words, sir. You bring hope with your words. Can you bring hope to nearly any words?"
And now your moment of Zen:

Obama's Commentary after appearing on the show:

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