sin to know for whom the bell tolls

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Change Tastes Good!

Today Toshi and I patronized 4 different MoveOn Bakesales for Obama. It was awesome, and now I think we are going to collapse into a sugar coma... Here are some pictures from the bakesales in Berkeley and Oakland that we visited.

Bakin for 'Bama at San Pablo Ave & Dwight Way in Berkeley, CA. These ladies were just setting up when we arrived. They had yummy wheat/gluten-free brownies ("welcome to a Berkeley bakesale" they said!)...

South Berkeley Hungry for Change! at San Pablo Park. These folks were closing down for the day, and we were the last patrons. So they kept saying how much more food there was earlier, how many people had come, etc. They let us take these pictures, but implored us to envision the smorgasboard of baked goods that we had just missed...

Hungry for Change! at Safeway on College Ave in Oakland. This lady told us there were kids at the bakesale for hours holding up signs. Passing cars honked their horns and cheered. She was about to wrap up shop when we arrived, and she had an awesome shirt celebrating the impending end of the Bush Administration's reign of terror.

Hungry for Change at Rockridge BART Station in Oakland. The advertisement for this bakesale promised "Cookies and Revolution": my favorite!! Who could resist?

I was struck with the diversity among the people who were volunteering at these bakesales: young and older folks, different races and cultures, everyone working together to support a new vision of change for America.

Change Has Never Tasted So Sweet!

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Obama's Blueprint for Change

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Read this document on Scribd: Obama's Blueprint For Change
To download, click "Obama's Blueprint for Change" above.

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Obama=272 * McCain=183 * Toss-up=83