sin to know for whom the bell tolls

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Veterans for Obama; Obama for Veterans

Barack Obama's spoke to veterans in Las Cruces, New Mexico on Memorial Day (May 26, 2008).

I speak to you today with deep humility. My grandfather marched in Patton's Army, but I cannot know what it is to walk into battle like so many of you. My grandmother worked on a bomber assembly line, but I cannot know what it is for a family to sacrifice like so many of yours have.

I am the father of two young girls, and I cannot imagine what it is to lose a child. My heart breaks for the families who've lost a loved one.

These are things I cannot know. But there are also some things I do know.

I know that our sadness today is mixed with pride; that those we've lost will be remembered by a grateful nation; and that our presence here today is only possible because your loved ones, America's patriots, were willing to give their lives to defend our nation.

I know that while we may come from different places, cherish different traditions, and have different political beliefs, we all – every one of us – hold in reverence those who've given this country the full measure of their devotion.

And I know that children in New Mexico and across this country look to your children, to your brothers and sisters, mothers and fathers, and friends – to those we honor today – as a shining example of what's best about America.

Their lives are a model for us all.
Barack Obama values the men and women of our nation's armed forces, and wants to truly support them as they put themselves in harm's way to protect the nation and fight against tyranny, fascism, and injustice. He wants to provide veterans who are injured or traumatized with the full extent of the care they need. Please click here to read Barack Obama's policy statements on Veterans Affairs and the treatment that veterans should receive.

The current administration rushed into wars without considering the true threat to America and the world's stability. There have been heavy casualties in Iraq and Afghanistan, and these wars have destabilized the region (turning up the heat on existing conflicts such as the Kurdistan/Turkey border problems).

Barack Obama will not send the young people of America overseas to sacrifice their lives without carefully considering the true nature of the threat. Please click here to read some of Obama's statements on foreign policy and deployment of the US armed forces. Links to Policies on Specific Areas: Iraq, Iran, Africa, Israel , South America
When I am this party's nominee, my opponent will not be able to say that I voted for the war in Iraq; or that I gave George Bush the benefit of the doubt on Iran; or that I supported Bush-Cheney policies of not talking to leaders that we don't like. And he will not be able to say that I wavered on something as fundamental as whether or not it is ok for America to torture — because it is never ok… I will end the war in Iraq… I will close Guantanamo. I will restore habeas corpus. I will finish the fight against Al Qaeda. And I will lead the world to combat the common threats of the 21st century: nuclear weapons and terrorism; climate change and poverty; genocide and disease. And I will send once more a message to those yearning faces beyond our shores that says, "You matter to us. Your future is our future. And our moment is now. (Barack Obama, Des Moines, Iowa, Veteran's Day, November 10, 2007).
Here are some of Barack Obama's thoughts on Building a 21st Century Militia:
The Problem: The excellence of our military is unmatched. But as a result of a misguided war in Iraq, our forces are under pressure as never before. Obama will make the investments we need so that the finest military in the world is best-prepared to meet 21st-century threats.

Rebuild Trust: Obama will rebuild trust with those who serve by ensuring that soldiers and Marines have sufficient training time before they are sent into battle.

Expand the Military: We have learned from Iraq that our military needs more men and women in uniform to reduce the strain on our active force. Obama will increase the size of ground forces, adding 65,000 soldiers to the Army and 27,000 Marines.

New Capabilities: Obama will give our troops new equipment, armor, training, and skills like language training. He will also strengthen our civilian capacity, so that our civilian agencies have the critical skills and equipment they need to integrate their efforts with our military.

Strengthen Guard and Reserve: Obama will restore the readiness of the National Guard and Reserves. He will permit them adequate time to train and rest between deployments, and provide the National Guard with the equipment they need for foreign and domestic emergencies. He will also give the Guard a seat at the table by making the Chief of the National Guard a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Here is what Veterans have to say about Obama

Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans for Obama:

New Hampshire Veterans for Obama:

Pennsylvania Veterans for Obama:

Virginia Veterans for Obama:

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Obama's Blueprint for Change

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