sin to know for whom the bell tolls

Friday, June 27, 2008

Top 10 Reasons to Vote for Obama!

10. He is definately the nicest looking Presidential candidate we've ever had: what a hottie!

9. He respects his wife, his daughters, and all women.

8. He is not afraid to speak truth to power.

7. He is beholden to the American people, whose contributions will get him into the White House (compared with other candidates who are beholden to corporate donors).

6. He believes in national health care and has a practical plan to make it happen.

5. He supports our troops in combat and our veterans by advocating for real policy changes that will protect, heal, and honor men and women of the armed forces.

4. He is a normal person, like you and me, who has struggled to get to where he is in life.

3. America needs a father figure, and Barack takes fatherhood seriously, knowing how the lack of a fatherly presence can impact human beings.

2. Because he can win this, and when he does, we all win.

1. It is the right thing to do!

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Obama's Blueprint for Change

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Obama is Winning according to Karl Rove

Obama is Winning according to Karl Rove
Obama=272 * McCain=183 * Toss-up=83