I'm volunteering at the DNC Convention in Denver this year!!
I'm super-excited, and I decided to spend time before and after the convention campaigning for Obama in some fabulous "red" (purple!) states.
I'll be driving from Berkeley, CA through Nevada and Utah and Wyoming, door-knocking and registering voters along the way. Here's my itinerary (click on the points to see the details):
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If this looks like fun to you... there's good news! I have room in my car for a couple solid Obama fans. I can pick you up if you live near my route, and we can rock the northwest US for Obama together. Click here to learn more about how to sign up to travel with me.
I'm hoping that local Obama supporters will help me to make this campaign trip a great success. I've asked for help with housing and local orientation. If you think you might be able to help, please click here to learn more about how we can help each other to get Obama into the White House!
My first stop will be the Nevada State Fair in Reno!!! Voter registration, wiener-dog races, and Republicans for Obama, oh my!
Josh Weil is a Democrat running for one of Florida's vacant U.S. House
seats in District 6. He will replace a Trump cultist. Ads bill him as a
bad-ass te...
Hey there! You can come and stay at my house just 15 mins away from the convention site...I will be there too! laryssa101@aol.com
GO RUBY!!! I'm bummed that I can't tag along, I heart roadtrips and I "hella heart" Obama, but unfortunately GSI Duties call. :( Have a safe trip and I can't wait to follow along on your travels. Cheers!
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