sin to know for whom the bell tolls

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Obama Bloggers North, East, South & West

This map shows the states where folks are writing their positive posts about Obama!! As you can see, Obama's positive bloggers are all over the place!

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We still need to get more folks in the South, Midwest, and Northwest, so please sign up to blog with us about Obama over the coming weeks!!

Here's a Partial List of Our Bloggers By Region!

Bloggers in the North:
Elstun Lauesen: "BarAK" blog features Alaskan and national issues
Kristen Reed: New York (link to profile, no blog posts yet)
AnnMarie Satchell: (ou)R Democracy blog from Philadelphia, PA

Bloggers in the South:
Christopher Carlson: Precinct Co-Captain from Fort Worth, Texas
Charlene Dixon: Obama activist blogger from Virginia
Suzan Holten: A Texas Independent Obama supporter interested in policy
Robert Lynch: Inspired Texas Obama fan
Brandy Sanders: A Georgia Obama blogger (link to profile)
Beverly Scott: North Carolina Obama Blogger

Bloggers in the MidWest:
Richard & Rebecca Anderson: Missouri Obama Organizers
Brenda Babjak: Indiana Blogger
Christina Czuhajewski: Michigan & California (link to profile)
Blake Johnson: Iowa (link to profile, no blog posts yet)
Chuck Lasker: "What Would Obama Do?" blog from Indiana
Ashley Penney: Kansas (link to profile, no blog posts yet)
Ailene Randolph: Posts on FISA, "Operation Chaos" & more from Indiana
Marcia Riggan: Indianan "friendly Blog"
Richard Sternegal: Honest and positive Ohio Obama blogger

Bloggers in the West:
Jacky Anderson: A positive and prolific California Obama Blogger
Bren Hussein Bell: Southern California Blogger
Allan Cronin: Musings on the election from California.
Denise Cyr: Oregon Obama organizer
Liba Hardkopf: Proud Albuquerque Obama fan from the Czech Republic
Mona Marlow: Washington State Progressive Blogger
Mary Nickum: Arizona Obama supporter
Mikiboop: A hopeful and positive Californian Obama Blogger
Anthony O'Con: South San Francisco Obama Blogger
Kit Sturtevant-Stuart: "Kit Loves Nuance" & the "Audacity of Complexity"

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Obama's Blueprint for Change

To print or email Obama's Blueprint for Change, use the "iPaper" button below. To read it online, "maximize" the size using the farthest right button, which looks like a small rectangle inside a larger one.
Read this document on Scribd: Obama's Blueprint For Change
To download, click "Obama's Blueprint for Change" above.

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Obama=272 * McCain=183 * Toss-up=83