sin to know for whom the bell tolls

Monday, July 14, 2008

Pimp Your Ride with OBAMA PRIDE!

After buying gas (and thinking to myself "this gas isn't too expensive..." before I caught myself--we can't allow ourselves to get used to this), I needed a pick-me-up to recover from the pain in my wallet...

so I decided to "Pimp My Ride" with Obama Pride! It is super-simple--I encourage you to put some Obama bling on your car! There's tons of great stuff to choose from: Bumper stickers, Obama car flags, Obama windshield shades, car magnets, more car magnets, etc...

I recently read an study that said that people who have bumper stickers on their cars (whether the stickers say "save the whales" or "from my cold dead hands") have a higher level of road rage than people without bumper stickers.

So we'll have to see if my Obama hope-mongering increases my road rage. Something tells me it's not going to have an impact... but I guess we'll find out when I'm driving through Nevada, Utah, & Wyoming on my way to the convention in Denver.

Making the statement that we support Obama is very important, and it provides a sense of connection and solidarity with other supporters.

So get yourself a bumper sticker and pimp your ride!

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Obama's Blueprint for Change

To print or email Obama's Blueprint for Change, use the "iPaper" button below. To read it online, "maximize" the size using the farthest right button, which looks like a small rectangle inside a larger one.
Read this document on Scribd: Obama's Blueprint For Change
To download, click "Obama's Blueprint for Change" above.

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Obama=272 * McCain=183 * Toss-up=83